A blogger known for topics such as blockchain and cryptocurrency shocked readers with a post, speculative in nature about a possible purpose for the terrible affliction known as Cancer.
LAS VEGAS, March 13, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Lori Brown shocked her readers by sharing philosophical ideas about the purpose of the deadly affliction known as cancer.
The sensitive topic of cancer is approached with a positive spin on the tragic illness. The audience is faced with the question: Is cancer an indicator of a longer lifespan for humans of the future?
Perhaps cancer is an example of humanity at the cellular level — trying to achieve immortality. Perhaps all of the suffering is not in vain. Perhaps in a thousand years we will be different beings entirely. Maybe we will no longer need our bodies to manage the dying, "regular cells". Maybe we will be made of something stronger- something more resilient- something that doesn't die easily. Like cancer.
Lori Brown, Independent Journalist and Blogger
The post explains how a cancer cell behaves according to The American Cancer Society. The author emphasizes the fact that the human body hasn't yet developed a way to manage cancer cells because they act in a way that is opposite of the regular cells.
Regular cells die at specific intervals and the human body methodically replaces cells as they die. Cancer cells exhibit a baffling resilience, which stated plainly means - cancer cells appear unbeatable so they don't die easily - in fact, they multiply.
The idea is presented with the thought that perhaps if the cellular behavior of cancer is such that cancer seems unbeatable, then maybe that means humans will eventually evolve in a way that properly manages the death-resistant cells of cancer. This could be an indicator of humans evolving toward a much longer life expectancy.
"Perhaps cancer is an example of humanity at the cellular level trying to achieve immortality. Perhaps all of the suffering is not in vain. Perhaps in a thousand years, we will be different beings entirely. Maybe we will no longer need our bodies to manage the dying, regular cells. Maybe we will be made of something stronger- something more resilient- something that doesn’t die easily. Like cancer." -Lori Brown on the topic of cancer
To read the thought-provoking post and to connect with the author, visit the original post here.
Keep in touch with Lori Brown and follow her blogs by clicking here.
The author is not certified in medicine and is not a physician. Readers should not take any of the expressed ideas as advice. Ask your doctor if you or someone you know has questions about cancer. The American Cancer Society can be reached at l-800.227.2345.
Source: Lori Brown