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A unique way to look at the trolls in the crowd.

I asked a few kids to make up their own ending to common cliches.
The results were hilarious.

A truly remarkable life is yours.

A workaround for the shortages that started with the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic.
A humorous read in a scary time.

A blogger known for topics such as blockchain and cryptocurrency shocked readers with a post, speculative in nature about a possible purpose for the terrible affliction known as Cancer.

Can the evil and deadly affliction be a sign of what we will become in our evolved future? Perhaps cancer is an example of humanity at the cellular level — trying to achieve immortality.

As I was sifting through my long list of drafts I could not stop laughing at one particularly pointed piece (of crap).

Leveraging his limited understanding of the world, my son argued his case, and almost got a pet bat. Hilarious!

It was a battlefield — cupcakes were the bullets.
A hilarious and super quick read.

So ease up on the back-handed insults lest you miss the wonder as it grows.

The brilliant inventor only known by his Pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin. After lots of success he sent a few messages to his community and close friends that seemed like goodbyes... and nobody has seen or heard of him since.
A puzzling departure and a world of new technology to marvel at.